Monday, May 24, 2010

The Evil In People

This past Friday, I come to find out some horrible news about the white baby pony we were going to buy for Joshua. My mom called me from work, and said that Kathleen (the lady we take riding lessons from & buy our horses) told her that someone had came into the pony pen in the middle of the night a couple days before, and had tried to steal this sweet little pony. In the process, she probably put up a fight, and they ended up SNAPPING HER NECK and leaving her dead by the side of the road! One of Kathleen's neighbors woke her up about 4am that morning, and told her that they had found the pony. I am so very upset by this; Joshua really enjoyed playing with this pony, who was only about 8 months old, and she would follow Joshua around like a puppy. Come to find out, someone came back Thursday night, and tried to break in again because the gate was standing wide open and there were truck tire prints in the driveway that didn't belong to any of her vehicles! Kathleen says that she hasn't noticed anyone else missing, so that is the only good news out of it all. We now have to work fast to put up a fence here at the house, and borrow a horse trailer to move Expresso and Pheonix before something possibly happens to them. I cannot believe how mean some people are and just down right evil.

*She Was Such A Sweetheart*

*We'll Miss Her*

Monday, May 10, 2010

Joshua's Silliness

In the past couple of weeks, Joshua has done... well, said, a few things that have been pretty funny. One of them was a misunderstanding by a bystander, and the other was thankfully not heard by anyone, but me. I figured this would be a good start to a new blog.

*My Silly Lil' Boo*

A couple of weeks ago, we were shopping and as always Joshua is in the basket of the buggy, talking up a storm (most of it in his own lil' language). Joshua happened to be counting, 1 , 2 , 3, 4! Well, Joshua has a little bit of a problem with the number FOUR, and it sounds just like "whore" sadly enough for those who probably think we are teaching him ugly language. Well, as he was counting we happened to come up behind a little old lady when he got to the number four (whore)... She had heard him and I guess she thought he was calling her a whore and that she hadn't heard his counting, and she turned and looked at him in disbelief and walked off!!! Ooops!

About a week ago we were in Pizza Hut for dinner, and as we were leaving there was this really "curvy" girl who walked in wearing this really form fitting GREY dress on that she really shouldn't have been wearing. As we were walking by, Joshua pointed at her and calls, "elephant!", thankfully the way he says elephant comes out sounding close to "apple pie", even though it has been getting a lot clearer, someone who isn't around him much probably wouldn't pick-up on the "elephant". Thankfully the girl was to busy running her mouth off to one of her buddies to have caught wind. I about lost it, and tripped over the bench that is just inside the door trying not to laugh. We've never had an issue with him name calling, and I suspect it's probably him talking about the dress being grey like an elephant because he calls anything that has black & white stripes, a zebra, but it was still pretty funny.

Mother's Day was good. Joshua & Jodie bought me a beautiful bouquet of flowers. We spent part of the day at Jodie's grandma's house and the other part with his mother, step-bro and step-sis playing the wii.

My mom ended up working that day. After she got off we had to go check on the horses. Expresso and Phoenix had a visit from the ferrier the day before, and we found out that Expresso has another absess (an infection) in his back left foot. Crazy horse cannot go with out something being wrong. This is his second absess, the first was in his front right foot. He's had a split hoof, but that is thankfully fixed how. Expresso will be a year old this coming Saturday, the 15th, which happens to be the day after my birthday. Our FOUR year anniversary is coming up, and Jodie and I are planning on heading to SGI for a couple of days for some well needed personal time together. I can't wait!