Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Things Are Starting To Fall Into Place

Today, I would like to say, that I start my job at the hospital on the 14th of this month (in a little over a week). I had planned on waiting, and saving a few of my paychecks to put a nice down payment on a car, but today (now yesterday), while I was car shopping and weighing my options, I was offered a deal that I could not pass up. See, the last couple of months, while the hospital has been processing all my paperwork and all to get me in, I have been doing some research on cars. I had a few things in mind, that were important to me in my choice for a car. First, the car had the have a good safety rating. Second, the car needed to have good, if not great gas mileage. Third, it had to be $13,000 or less, so I could afford the monthly payments. Fourth, it needed to be a newer model that had not had the wheels driven off it. Fifth, the car I wanted needed to retain it's value because one day, when I decide to trade it in, it would still be valuable. I've researched vehicles from different dealers, and I made sure I got my facts online, so I wouldn't be talking to a sales rep who may or may not be stretching the truth just a bit. I had my favs narrowed down to a Toyota Yaris or a used Prius, a Ford Fiesta, or a Hyundai Accent. I went to the Toyota dealership just to browse, and I looked at their cars under 10, and I wasn't really feeling those cars, so I asked the saleman, if he had a '08 Yaris around 11, and he said no, but he one for $12,900, if I wanted to look at it. I agreed because I've been leaning toward the Yaris for a while now. It really fit all of my requirements in a car. It's a beautiful car, and in great shape. It gets around 40mpg, which is awesome. It was $0 down, and it's $270 a month. : )Here's a sneak peak of my car!:
This girl, is going to get me through school, back and forth to clinicals, and my first few years as a nurse, plus all of Joshua's appointments and him back and forth to school. I am so ecstatic!

Soon as I can, I am rejoining a gym, not sure which one, but definately doing so. I've already lost 25lbs. on my own and I want to keep going. I want to get in the best shape of my life. I also plan to get year memberships to the Tallahassee Museum, the Flint RiverQuarium, and may be Wild Adventures (not sure about that one yet, definately depends on what they have to offer since the last time I went). Joshua will definately enjoy himself. I have a few other plans, but they'll wait a bit longer because school and work are going to take up a lot of my time and spending all the time I possibly can with Joshua while I am doing that. This year is definately looking positive!