Saturday, February 6, 2010

Shake... Rattle... & Roll!

Today we took Joshua to see his pony, Phoenix, and let him ride. We walked several times around the fenced in area which is basicly a back yard & a driveway. The wind was blowing really hard out in the open, and with it being so cold, it felt like it the wind was cutting right through you at times. Everytime we go out to ride when it is cold outside, the horses seem be extra frisky and energized, it's probably because the weather feels much more comfortable to them than us, but it's just funny watching them having a really good day.

Well, Joshua was riding Phoenix, and I was pulling the lead rope, when suddenly, Pheonix shook out his fur really hard (like dogs do, if you never have been around a horse to know they do the exact same thing). I turned around right as he started to shake and the saddle(which isn't quite big enough for Phoenix) started moving back and forth real hard, and out comes Joshua rolling forward off the saddle, doing a complete flip in the air and lands flat on this butt before I could get ahold of him to keep him from diving off the saddle. Let me tell you, he was not a happy camper, he didn't get hurt, but it scared the crap out of him and he let out a blood curdling scream and began to cry. I had to pick him up and comfort him, and while I did that, I had to comfort Phoenix as well because he was worried about Joshua. Phoenix looked so upset about having Joshua fall off of him, and was all nuzzled up to Joshua and sniffing him trying to see if he was alright. It was so sweet. So we walked back down the lane and tied Phoenix to a post and gave him some hay, so Joshua could walk off his tears & fears, and we went into the barn and we got Phoenix some treats. Joshua fed Phoenix treats for the first time ever, and he was so happy when he realized Phoenix wasn't trying to be mean. They made up, and they went for another ride shortly there after.

It could have been much worse, Joshua could have gotten hurt, or even gained a fear of horses, but thankfully got right back up in the saddle when he calmed down. Phoenix and Joshua are so great together, I wish you guys could see them. I'm crossing my fingers that we can have Phoenix reign trained by Joshua 5th birthday next year, so I can bring him to Joshua's party and show him off, and may be give some pony rides. : )

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