Thursday, March 18, 2010

Making Progress To Better Things!

If any of you noticed my feed yesterday on Facebook, you will know that Joshua has opened his eyes up to a whole light about the POTTY! I have been waiting so very long for him to get interested, and I've tried several times with no luck. I've tried everything I could think of to get him to learn to use the potty like a big boy, and finally I saw where one of my friend's had a hard time getting her little boy to use the potty, which resulted in her keeping him bottomless thanks to some of her friends' advice. I figured that if she had luck, may be I would get lucky too, and sure enough Joshua used the potty everytime yesterday while he was bottomless. It started Tuesday night when we were at my grandparents' house, and Joshua had somehow poked a hole into the pull-up that he was wearing and the jelly bead things had started falling out of it. (For those of you who have been wondering what that jelly beady stuff is, I found out on an episode of "Weather Proof" on the Weather Channel, and it is the exact same gel as they spray on houses to prevent them from being badly damaged during wild fires. I thought that was pretty interesting.) Anywho, back to what I was saying, I had to take his pull-up off and leave him with nothing while I ran out to the truck to get him another one. When I came back in, he was holding himself and saying, "Uh oh! Uh oh!", so I ran him to the bathroom figuring that may be this was his chance to catch on, and sure enough he did. He was so excited and began cheering, "YAY! Good job!", so very cute. That night I decided that this was the best time to start him on the bottomless idea, so the next day, St. Patrick's Day, he went without bottoms all day except for when he had to eat (I'd hate for him to have an accident while he's trying to eat). Let me tell you, he had ZERO accidents the whole time he went without bottoms. He still hasn't gotten the whole, don't go in your pull-up yet, but he is definately doing a lot better, and he's been enthusiastic about being a big boy!

*It's Potty Time!*

As for me, I've put myself on a diet. Basicly, it's eatting healthier and portion control. I started this about this time last week, and I have since then lost 4 lb., and as soon as it dries up outside, I'm going to start walking for atleast a hour every morning. I've got a large amount of weight that I'm hoping to lose, and hopefully it will be gone by the end of this year. I'm really crossing my fingers because I want to be happy with my body again, and be comfortable in it. It's just gonna be a long road getting to the finish line.

* The First Time He Has Actually Shown Interest In Swinging By Himself!*

*His FAVORITE Thing In The World!*

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