Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Things Are Starting To Fall Into Place

Today, I would like to say, that I start my job at the hospital on the 14th of this month (in a little over a week). I had planned on waiting, and saving a few of my paychecks to put a nice down payment on a car, but today (now yesterday), while I was car shopping and weighing my options, I was offered a deal that I could not pass up. See, the last couple of months, while the hospital has been processing all my paperwork and all to get me in, I have been doing some research on cars. I had a few things in mind, that were important to me in my choice for a car. First, the car had the have a good safety rating. Second, the car needed to have good, if not great gas mileage. Third, it had to be $13,000 or less, so I could afford the monthly payments. Fourth, it needed to be a newer model that had not had the wheels driven off it. Fifth, the car I wanted needed to retain it's value because one day, when I decide to trade it in, it would still be valuable. I've researched vehicles from different dealers, and I made sure I got my facts online, so I wouldn't be talking to a sales rep who may or may not be stretching the truth just a bit. I had my favs narrowed down to a Toyota Yaris or a used Prius, a Ford Fiesta, or a Hyundai Accent. I went to the Toyota dealership just to browse, and I looked at their cars under 10, and I wasn't really feeling those cars, so I asked the saleman, if he had a '08 Yaris around 11, and he said no, but he one for $12,900, if I wanted to look at it. I agreed because I've been leaning toward the Yaris for a while now. It really fit all of my requirements in a car. It's a beautiful car, and in great shape. It gets around 40mpg, which is awesome. It was $0 down, and it's $270 a month. : )Here's a sneak peak of my car!:
This girl, is going to get me through school, back and forth to clinicals, and my first few years as a nurse, plus all of Joshua's appointments and him back and forth to school. I am so ecstatic!

Soon as I can, I am rejoining a gym, not sure which one, but definately doing so. I've already lost 25lbs. on my own and I want to keep going. I want to get in the best shape of my life. I also plan to get year memberships to the Tallahassee Museum, the Flint RiverQuarium, and may be Wild Adventures (not sure about that one yet, definately depends on what they have to offer since the last time I went). Joshua will definately enjoy himself. I have a few other plans, but they'll wait a bit longer because school and work are going to take up a lot of my time and spending all the time I possibly can with Joshua while I am doing that. This year is definately looking positive!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Our Late Valentine's Day Celebration

This past Saturday, Jodie and I celebrated a late Valentine's day in Panacea, FL. A place I have been going to since I was a little girl. We first stopped by The Coastal and had lunch. Yummy scallops and clams for me, and shrimp for Jodie. I love that place, and I always have, even when it was known as The Crystal, years and years ago. After lunch we went across the bridge that crosses over Ochlocknee Bay and went to a beach I had found when I was pregnant with Joshua. It is near Bald Point State Park and it has a beautiful view of the Gulf. We spent about two hours walking along the beach and collecting seashells for my little collection, which ended up being a contest who could find the most unique shells, most complete, and then the largest. lol. I, of course found the largest and the most unique. We also ran across a large jellyfish on our stroll; I did not know what kind it was at the time, but when I got home I did some research and found put it was a Mushroom Cap jellyfish. This jellyfish does not have the long stringy stingers that you see on most jellyfish, it actually has short finger like ones that hang just below it's fringe and it's sting only causes mild pain to humans and is harmless(not that I would recommend trying to picking one up. Because really, who wants to have to be peed on to neutralize the pain?). It was a very amazing animal to see because you usually only see the Comb jellies, which are not true jellyfish, and you can pick them up without any consequences, other than them feeling like a wad of snot (ewwwwwww....). The jellyfish made it back out into the deep water and danced gracefully in the current as it made it's way back out to sea and got the chance to see another day. I think Jodie enjoyed seeing a side of me that does not come out very often. One who wasn't stressing and loves being one with nature. It was very relaxing and I do believe it is the first time we spent a whole day out together alone. It may have been a little late celebrating, but it is definitely the best Valentine's Day ever!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Has It Really Been 5 Years, Already?!

So... I know it has been ages since I last blogged, but I figured I needed to start because soon, I know I will have plenty to write about, and figured I'd post something now to get started in this New Year.

Joshua turn 5 years old just a few weeks ago, and I cannot believe that the time has passed as quickly as it has. He's so very intelligent and the smartest child I have ever met especially for his age. He's learning math, yes, MATH! He can add and subtract single digits very well, and it took him about 2 maybe 3 weeks to learn to do this! Now we are working some teens and 20s into the mix, and he has been doing very well thus far. He can count to 100 like a pro! He's also reading extremely well, and it amazes me and everyone who has seen him read some of his books aloud. I had said before he was really good at reading just basic words and then he became the master of spelling, his favorite word to spell is "xylophone" which he could spell at 3 1/2 years! Now can you imagine how easy it has been to get him reading since he started doing that? He speaking a little more now, usually repeating a short phrase he has heard over and over again. My mom answered one of his math problems he called out a few nights ago, and he told her "Great job! You deserve a star!" I'm not kidding!

I recently went through his clothes...again! This time his dresser was looking pretty bare. He has grown 5 inches in the last 6 months! He is now 3ft. 9in. tall and weighs 50lbs.! I bought clothes 2 sizes up last year so he'd have some growing room, and most of it is either perfect length or starting to get to short. His appetite surpasses mine by 3x, so when these growth spurts come along... look out refrigerator because here comes Joshua! I remember a couple of weeks ago I made brocolli for dinner, and I gave everyone a serving. Well, Joshua went back for seconds, thirds, then forths, then finished up with a fifth! Plus he ate everything else that was already on his plate!!!

We threw Joshua a Dr. Seuss themed birthday party this year, and I had to get creative because for some reason or another, no one in this area carries Dr. Seuss themed party supplies, and I didn't want to order off the internet because I was on a very limited budget. I used some stuffed Dr. Seuss characters of Joshua's as props and used bright colors. Here are some pictures from his birthday:

~The Poster I Made~
~Joshua Blowing Out His Candles~

~The Card I LUCKED Up On In The Bradfordville WalMart~

~Devilled Eggs w/ Green Food Coloring & Ham~

~Multi-Colored Goldfish Crackers~

~Cat In The Hat Parfaits and Thing 1 & Thing 2 Red Velvet Cupcakes~

~The Goody Bags~

~I Bought Him "The Grinch Grinches The Cat In The Hat"~

~A New Book~

Unfortunately... yeah I said it unfortunately, we did not have but a few people show up after I did my pre-party head count (which we were definately expecting more people), and the ones who were the definates did not have the courtesy to call prior to the party, which means I am really glad I gave up on decorating when I did and did not spend the excess efforts trying to perfect everything. Seriously now, pissed would be an understatement. Still haven't from these people yet to this day with atleast an apology. I cannot understand why I try my best to show people I really care and love them and their children, and they can't atleast call, text, or FB me? Don't I atleast deserve that much?
Anywho... I want to thank my mom and grandma who came, our friends Ash & Ben and their kids for coming. I also want to thank Hallie for sending Joshua a gift even though she and her family could not make it, and it was very thoughtful and Joshua loves them! I also want thank Rhay for getting Joshua something aswell, and he loves it as well. Yes, thank you so very much guys! Shows who really is there for you in the long run & I love them for that, and they know that we will be there for them when they want or need us to be! (& those of you who are not on my good list at the moment, I have nothing against your children, just you, and I won't punish them for the b.s.. Have a nice day! :D)

Before I end this, I want to thank the few of you again, and hope we will be seeing each other in the very near future for good times to make many great memories! I'm hoping I can start doing my super happy dance in a week and a half, if human resources hurries and gets things done by then. Then I know I will have another great thing to blog about! YAY!