Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Has It Really Been 5 Years, Already?!

So... I know it has been ages since I last blogged, but I figured I needed to start because soon, I know I will have plenty to write about, and figured I'd post something now to get started in this New Year.

Joshua turn 5 years old just a few weeks ago, and I cannot believe that the time has passed as quickly as it has. He's so very intelligent and the smartest child I have ever met especially for his age. He's learning math, yes, MATH! He can add and subtract single digits very well, and it took him about 2 maybe 3 weeks to learn to do this! Now we are working some teens and 20s into the mix, and he has been doing very well thus far. He can count to 100 like a pro! He's also reading extremely well, and it amazes me and everyone who has seen him read some of his books aloud. I had said before he was really good at reading just basic words and then he became the master of spelling, his favorite word to spell is "xylophone" which he could spell at 3 1/2 years! Now can you imagine how easy it has been to get him reading since he started doing that? He speaking a little more now, usually repeating a short phrase he has heard over and over again. My mom answered one of his math problems he called out a few nights ago, and he told her "Great job! You deserve a star!" I'm not kidding!

I recently went through his clothes...again! This time his dresser was looking pretty bare. He has grown 5 inches in the last 6 months! He is now 3ft. 9in. tall and weighs 50lbs.! I bought clothes 2 sizes up last year so he'd have some growing room, and most of it is either perfect length or starting to get to short. His appetite surpasses mine by 3x, so when these growth spurts come along... look out refrigerator because here comes Joshua! I remember a couple of weeks ago I made brocolli for dinner, and I gave everyone a serving. Well, Joshua went back for seconds, thirds, then forths, then finished up with a fifth! Plus he ate everything else that was already on his plate!!!

We threw Joshua a Dr. Seuss themed birthday party this year, and I had to get creative because for some reason or another, no one in this area carries Dr. Seuss themed party supplies, and I didn't want to order off the internet because I was on a very limited budget. I used some stuffed Dr. Seuss characters of Joshua's as props and used bright colors. Here are some pictures from his birthday:

~The Poster I Made~
~Joshua Blowing Out His Candles~

~The Card I LUCKED Up On In The Bradfordville WalMart~

~Devilled Eggs w/ Green Food Coloring & Ham~

~Multi-Colored Goldfish Crackers~

~Cat In The Hat Parfaits and Thing 1 & Thing 2 Red Velvet Cupcakes~

~The Goody Bags~

~I Bought Him "The Grinch Grinches The Cat In The Hat"~

~A New Book~

Unfortunately... yeah I said it unfortunately, we did not have but a few people show up after I did my pre-party head count (which we were definately expecting more people), and the ones who were the definates did not have the courtesy to call prior to the party, which means I am really glad I gave up on decorating when I did and did not spend the excess efforts trying to perfect everything. Seriously now, pissed would be an understatement. Still haven't from these people yet to this day with atleast an apology. I cannot understand why I try my best to show people I really care and love them and their children, and they can't atleast call, text, or FB me? Don't I atleast deserve that much?
Anywho... I want to thank my mom and grandma who came, our friends Ash & Ben and their kids for coming. I also want to thank Hallie for sending Joshua a gift even though she and her family could not make it, and it was very thoughtful and Joshua loves them! I also want thank Rhay for getting Joshua something aswell, and he loves it as well. Yes, thank you so very much guys! Shows who really is there for you in the long run & I love them for that, and they know that we will be there for them when they want or need us to be! (& those of you who are not on my good list at the moment, I have nothing against your children, just you, and I won't punish them for the b.s.. Have a nice day! :D)

Before I end this, I want to thank the few of you again, and hope we will be seeing each other in the very near future for good times to make many great memories! I'm hoping I can start doing my super happy dance in a week and a half, if human resources hurries and gets things done by then. Then I know I will have another great thing to blog about! YAY!

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